Saturday, March 10, 2012

G-Two Weapons Of Mass Seduction

If i could write this long ass blog post about Gtwo and His lyrical ability and the way he makes you feel apart of EVERY track he writes (well at least i do) then i would. but im not a blogger yall. But i will say that i love this video, love gtwo been a fan for LOTS of years and he never fails musically. Weapons of Mass Seduction is one for the ladies. Visuals amazing. EEEENNNJJJOOOOYYYY! OH! This is off his latest project one man army vol 2: war paint (DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND VISIT)


This is VIN. And he is DOPE. Doesnt matter where he came from just know you should be listening!
Follow Him on twitter.@MultifacetedVin
Enjoy his swagggggeeerrrrr in this video called PRIDE (click hereeeeee) and stay tuned!

< More of Vin and Vinatage Innovation>
Vin is a Artist and also a Videographer :) Mulitple faces!!
Hes worked w/a Artist that frequents this blog!